Monday, October 19, 2009

Crosne (Stachys affinis) 19 October 2009 Crosne (Stachys affinis) Final Harvesting and Processing.

Crosne were dug a total weight of 15 pounds from the row, around 40 plants. Seven liters of the crosne were pickled in vinegar for future use, and a liter was left out for eating fresh. The blue tarp under the plants has no real advantage, and will be abandoned next year.

If the climate is congenial, the tubers can be left in the ground and dug as required, but this is not an option in my cold region.

Last year most tubers got ruined, since they were kept under water in a pail, and taste and color changed. Crosne change to a dark color quickly in the refrigerator, so pickling seems like a good choice for storage.

Some tubers were placed in a pot and buried in the ground for seed in 2010. This same practice was successful last year.


At 19 October, 2009 20:09 , Blogger Vera said...

Hi Durgan, just wanted to let you know that I have been following your Blog for awhile. I read about your Garden all the time on 50plus and really like your pictures and the narration on them. Thanks very much

At 20 October, 2009 08:48 , Blogger Durgan said...

Muchas gracias. It always nice to hear comments as a feedback to my efforts. I observe and report the facts as I interpret them, for better or worse.


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